Week of February 5th, 2025

Another full week of encouraging emails, meetings, and bumping into alarmed, concerned and sometimes tearful friends and neighbors.

People in our community are actively reaching out to our legislatures, Perter, Becca and Bernie, trying to make appointments with them. I think it is very sweet that in Vermont you can respectfully address your representatives by their first name. After all they are people too and they should feel approachable.


SURJ Showing Up for Racial Justice

SURJ Showing Up for Racial Justice

Here is a letter from SURJ Showing Up for Racial Justice

Dear friends and family,

Since November I’ve been participating with Showing Up for Racial Justice’s (SURJ) Gear Up Circle in Montpelier

One of the things SURJ groups are doing is asking leaders in our communities to sign a pledge to resist the harmful policies of the Trump administration and protect people who are most vulnerable.  On February 1st across the country over 60 groups of people showed up to call on leaders and institutions in their communities to sign onto the pledge. We’re calling on everyone to step up to this moment to protect our neighbors and resist MAGA’s illegal, immoral agenda. While the main goal of this effort is to get community leaders: politicians, public officials, school superintendents, hospital directors, business owners, faith leaders etc…. to sign the pledge and then to be held accountable, we are looking for individuals to sign the pledge as well.

You can sign the pledge to protect and resist here.

NOTE: If the pledge feels too vague and general to you, I had that reaction initially too. The reason is that the wording has to be general since the way that each of us and our community leaders will be able to resist and protect will differ. What matters is that we are making the commitment.

Above is a photo of the Montpelier Gear Up group along with Reverend Joan Javier-Duval, and members of Central Vermont Refugee Action Network and the Protecting People committee.

Let me know if you want to learn more or join us – especially if you live in Central Vermont and want to know about future actions, trainings and rapid response.


Feb 5 March on the Capitol Building in Vermont

Feb 5 March on the Capitol Building in Vermont photo by Jody Fried




Mari Cordes Shared this bit on understanding the Feb. 5th, 2025 March on the Capitol’s in 50 states across our nation.


Re: Feb 5: Of course, do what you feel best. None of this is comfortable, and I understand the fear and suspicion. I’m not telling anyone to go or not go, but here is why I am.

I believe the 2/5 “go to your Capitol” IS a very decentralized but legitimate attempt to help us get moving. I’m used to non-violent direct action that is centralized and well-organized, especially when risking arrest. But what if the country is burning to the ground, and people don’t show up because The Women’s March or Indivisible or or or … didn’t organize it? Plenty of major uprisings around the world have happened without central organizing.

None of this is comfortable. It won’t be. We should each be learning how to stay safe/protected with any action, even centrally organized ones. I feel like we’re eating ourselves from the inside out because we’re afraid – a legitimate grassroots action that is being canceled by ourselves. Do people really think that if we show up, there is a well-organized plan at all 50 Capitols to attack us? Yes, the opposition is real, but they’ll show up no matter who/how it is organized.

Here’s from the Reddit page:

The Purpose of our 2/5 Protest (Reddit 50501)

I’m a mod over in the 50501 discord. I’m the one writing basically all the information on there. We are all trying to get information organized on a national level.

There’s a lot of questions and doubts about the legitimacy of this movement, and they’re valid concerns. We completely understand that you’re wanting a professional protest here. This just isn’t that. Let me explain:

The PURPOSE of 50501, as I understand it, is simply to prove that we can and will come together for a common cause, and to show how MANY of us oppose the direction our country is going.

This isn’t going to run like a professional protest because we are not professionals. We are regular people who just wanted to make a change. There may not be sponsors. There may not be speakers. But that does NOT mean our efforts here are in vain.

Why? Because we’ve built a community. We’ve created networks of people who not just believe in the common cause (which is, quite simply, saving our democracy for burning down), but who are willing to do something about it.

As a matter of fact, we’ve created a network of over – of AT LEAST – 45,000 people who are willing to do something about it. Our state organizers, they’ve all created a network of people in their own states with various skills and experiences that we can now access to use toward our cause. Graphic designers, professional activists (in many cases), lawyers, or just normal people with good spirits and high hopes, who can lend one more voice to the cause.

With all of that said, it’s clear we’ve struggled to come up with a cohesive message. It’s clear we had a big learning curve. With that knowledge, I IMPLORE you all to approach this 2/5 protest as community building and networking, rather than a protest alone. 50501 gave us a venue and something to do that we all have in common. If we can’t get a cohesive message across, let’s use these protests in the best way we can: To show them that we are sticking together. To meet our neighbors and strengthen our community ties. Show them that they will NOT divide us. Show them they can take away our social media, they can control the news, they can censor us online, but that will not take our community away. And we will not give up our free speech without a goddamn fight.

Because we are Americans, damnit. It’s our god given right to rail against the government. That’s what this country was FOUNDED ON.

So please, I’m begging you, do not be dismayed by our growing pains. Do not let this discourage you. I understand that this is confusing, but we’re working our asses off to get this more organized for you. Hang in there with us. Come to the 2/5 protest and meet your neighbors. And then let’s come back together to get our message straight, get our resources together, and then go in next time and give them hell!



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A message from Becca Baliant.

Dude, Becca should be leading the next march on the capitol in Vermont. Her voice is powerful. She is fierce.

An email from Becca

Happy Thursday team,

  • Last night I spoke on the House floor calling for protections for federal workers and civil servants from Trump’s attacks. Trump wants to fire the federal workforce in order to fund tax cuts for billionaires. It’s a well-worn tactic used by authoritarians like Orbán in Hungary and Bolsonaro in Brazil. They do it to destroy government services and create chaos and confusion so that we turn against each other. I won’t stand for it.

Watch my floor speech protecting federal workers here

This week my team launched a new resources tab on our website, which includes Know Your Immigration Rights, Know Your Reproductive Rights, and resources for federal workers. Take a look and share with anyone who might find these useful.

ICYMI: My statement on Trump’s plans for Gaza. I will never support the US military taking over Gaza.

  • In a Judiciary Committee hearing today, I debunked all of the blame and scapegoating that Republicans are placing on diversity and inclusion for the horrible wildfire disaster in California. I asked each witness: “Do you believe the people of Los Angeles died because the fire chief is a lesbian?”

Watch the full remarks on the California wildfires here

Thanks for being here. Forward this email update to a friend or family member and ask them to subscribe.


Becca Balint
Member of Congress 

A video share from AOC

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dives into the latest developments in Washington,

What’s Happening & How You Can Take Action | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dives into the latest developments in Washington, breaking down what’s really going on and what it means for our communities. More importantly, she shares how we can respond, organize, and take action to fight back.







A message from Katherine Sims of Vermont

Ways to Get Involved in Local Politics & Community Engagement in Vermont

Local politics thrive when citizens stay informed, engaged, and vocal about the issues that matter most. Beyond voting, here are ways you can actively participate in shaping Vermont’s future:

Stay Informed & Spread Good News

Combat misinformation and frustration by promoting constructive dialogue and sharing accurate, hopeful information about Vermont’s future.

Track What’s Happening in Montpelier:

Participate in Local Elections & Voting

  • Register to vote and encourage others to do the same.
  • Learn about upcoming elections, ballot measures, and candidates.
  • Volunteer for voter registration drives.
  • Work as a poll worker or election monitor.
  • Participate in early voting or vote-by-mail efforts.

Contact Your Legislators & Make Your Voice Heard

Regularly email or call your representatives to express your concerns, advocate for policies, and ask for explanations about their votes. Attend any office hours and sign up for newsletters.


Sen. Sam Douglass, R-Orleans, sdouglass@leg.state.vt.us

Sen. Scott Beck, R-Caledonia, sbeck@leg.state.vt.us

Sen. Russ Ingalls, R-Essex, ringalls@leg.state.vt.us


House of Representatives

Rep. Greg Burtt, R-Caledonia-Washington (Danville, Peacham, Cabot), gburtt@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Scott Campbell, D-Caledonia-Essex (St. J, Kirby, Concord), scampbell@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Debbie Dolgin, R-Caledonia-Essex (St. J, Kirby, Concord), ddolgin@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Marty Feltus, R-Caledonia 3 (Lyndon, Sutton, Newark, Sheffield, Wheelock),

Rep. Leanne Harple, D-Orleans 4 (Albany, Craftsbury, Greensboro, Glover), lharple@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Mark Higley, R-Orleans-Lamoille, mhigley@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Larry Labor, R-Essex-Orleans, llabor@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. John Kascenska, R-Essex-Caledonia, jkascenska@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Mike Marcotte, R-Orleans-Lamoille, mmarcotte@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Richard Nelson, R-Orleans 1 (Derby), rnelson@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Woody Page, R-Orleans 2 (Newport City), wpage@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Joe Parsons, R-Caledonia-Orange (Groton, Tophsam, Newbury), jparsons@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Debra Powers, R-Caledonia 1 (Barnet, Ryegate, Waterford), dpowers@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Beth Quimby, R-Caledonia 3 (Lyndon, Sutton, Newark, Sheffield, Wheelock), bquimby@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Michael Southworth, R-Caledonia 2 (Hardwick, Stannard, Walden), msouthworth@leg.state.vt.us

Rep. Ken Wells, R-Orleans 3 (Barton, Westmore, Brownington), kwells@leg.state.vt.us


Attend Legislative Breakfasts

Monthly meetings during the legislative session provide opportunities to hear directly from lawmakers and ask questions.

Location: St. Johnsbury Athenaeum 1171 Main St, St Johnsbury, VT 05819
Time: 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Upcoming Dates: Monday, February 24, 2025, Monday March 31, 2025, Monday April 28, 2025 and Monday May 19, 2025

To Watch the NEK Chamber: 1/27/25 Legislative Breakfast


Location: Eastside Restaurant, Newport (7:30–8:45 AM)
Upcoming 2025 Legislative Breakfast Schedule:

  • Jan 20: General discussion, open to all legislators
  • Feb 10: Sen. Sam Douglass, Rep. Woodman Page, Rep. Ken Wells
  • March 17: Sen. Russ Ingalls, Rep. Mark Higley, Rep. Leanne Harple
  • April 17: Sen. Sam Douglass, Rep. Michael Marcotte, Rep. Larry Labor
  • April 21: Sen. Russ Ingalls, Rep. Richard Nelson
  • May 12: General discussion, open to all legislators


To receive updates and the Zoom link, contact Daniel Pellerin at vice-president@vtnorthcountry.org.


Attend & Participate in Local Government Meetings

  • Attend city council, school board, or county commission meetings.
  • Speak at public comment sessions to voice concerns and ideas.
  • Follow meeting agendas and minutes to stay informed on local issues.


Join or Support Political Campaigns

  • Volunteer for a local candidate’s campaign (phone banking, canvassing, event planning).
  • Host a meet-and-greet or fundraiser.
  • Help with campaign materials like signs, flyers, or social media outreach.


Join Community Groups & Advocacy Organizations


Recruit & Support Candidates for Local Office

We need more people to step up and run for office. Identify and encourage community members to consider running—or sign up yourself!

Training Programs:

Final Thought: Vermont’s future depends on engaged citizens who advocate for what they believe in. Staying informed, involved, and vocal about the issues that matter most ensures that our communities thrive. Let’s make our voices heard!

Katherine Sims Consulting

802-673-7376 (c)


From: Robert Reich robertreich@substack.com
Subject: Some advice to federal workers
Some advice to federal workers
From a former secretary of labor
I’m addressing this post to America’s 2.3 million federal employees.
My message: Don’t accept Elon’s offer.
Yesterday, Musk — via people he’s planted in the Office of Personnel Management — sent an email to all 2.3 million of you, offering to pay you for eight months of work, through September 30, if you’ll resign from the government before February 6. Otherwise, you risk being furloughed (that is, not paid) or fired. To read more… Robert Reich on Substack and share this with your friends.


Personal Letters


A letter from Anna on ICE and Immigration 

Hi all – I attended a webinar on Immigration & ICE organized by the Office of the VT State Treasurer. The panelists addressed concerns of businesses and nonprofits regarding employee rights and responsibilities. There is a tremendous amount of information on this subject, and anyone who wants more information about protecting employees who might be targeted, the VT Asylum Assistance Project is doing great work.

If you or someone you know might be targeted as an undocumented immigrant, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created a script that can be used to protect Constitutional rights.

Several panelists mentioned fear as a strategy to keep people subdued and isolated. This is a deliberate tactic to intimidate the most vulnerable among us. They emphasized ways to seek help and encouraged everyone to recognize our collective strength; knowledge is power.

We’re in this together.

With thanks, Anna


RE: The Center for Women and Enterprise

Subject: CWEVT Transition

Hi CWEVT Family!

I, along with all the CWE regional program Directors, have been laid off by the Center for Women & Enterprise and my last day will be tomorrow (Friday 2/7). The Vermont Women’s Business Center is so lucky to have Ell Longnecker, our Program Manager, staying on with the center. I know she’s going to love getting to know you and cultivating a meaningful relationship. I can’t wait to see how much more you can do together!
I’ve been with CWEVT for 9 years; it started out of the back of my car, driving around the state, and has expanded to serving over 3000 awesome people. You, as a client of CWEVT, have brought meaning, inspiration, and expanded perspectives to my life. Observing even the smallest part of your entrepreneurial journey is the best experience ever – I feel so hopeful for our future because of people like you! I cannot overemphasize how meaningful and enjoyable our work together has been; YOU are the true cultivators of a flourishing world. Thank you for your passion, ideas, and courageousness in sharing your vision with others.
May you stay warm, inspired, and motivated – I can’t wait to see how our paths cross again soon. Know you always have someone genuinely rooting for you!


Hello fellow NEK Community Members!

I would like to encourage folks to join the NEK Collaborative at the Statehouse Thursday Feb 20th. Please see below and RSVP. I also encourage you to please help spread the word to all of your NEK networks!
So grateful!
NEK Collaborative, Board Chair

Here’s how to do that:

  • Please join us! We want as many folks from the NEK as possible.
  • Write to your NEK legislators and invite them to meet for a few minutes over lunch that day.
  • Let us know if you are willing to talk with a committee about issues that are important to you.
  • Send legislators emails inviting them to participate in NEK Day.

We’ll provide some training and other resources for those who want to participate between now and the event, as well as for those who may be a bit shy or uncertain about what to do.

Please join your fellow NEK residents and your legislators to advance our regional priorities! As always, your questions, comments, and input are welcome. Please email jennifer@nekcollaborative.org.

Good morning,

I wanted to share some information I came across because it gave me the smallest glimmer of hope that I haven’t felt in a while.
We have a chance to win democrats seats in the house on April 1st. The first is Gay Valimont in Florida’s 1st district and the second is Josh Weil in Florida’s 6th district. If we win both of these it would bring the totals to 218 Republicans and 217 Democrats. Each seat is a victory. If Republicans don’t show up for votes we can stop some of the bills from progressing.
There will also be another special election in NY at some point as Elise Stefanik is expected to become the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, leaving her seat open. We can share this information, donate to their campaigns if possible, interact with their social media, anything will help. The two Florida districts are red but special election turnout is always very low so with the right approach Dems can get some power back and we can stop some of the madness.
Thanks for all you do!
– G

With love, Marsha

A suggested approach for dealing with the news.

February 7, 2025  by Robert B. Hubbell

If you are struggling to make sense of the torrent of seemingly inconsistent news alerts pummeling you every 15 minutes, welcome to the club! One minute, things seem to be improving; the next minute, they are getting worse. I find the situation horribly disorienting and stressful.
Here is the mental construct I am employing to help me digest the news:

Please follow the link to read this article or listen to the post.




Encouraging Face Book Posts 

Climb To Higher Ground

I want you to know that you are not alone.
If you’re feeling inundated by the barrage of Senate hearings, executive orders, and imperial pronouncements, you are not alone.
If you’re worn down by what seems to be a never-ending parade of circus clowns, you are not alone.
If you’re worried about our fragile ecosystem, you are not alone.
If you’re afraid of the chaos, fearful for your children, and just plain exhausted—you are not alone.
And it’s by design.
Because there’s a flood in the zone.
“Flooding the zone” is an intentional strategy.
Overwhelm the information ecosystem. Push so many stories—true, false, exaggerated, contradictory—that people can’t process reality.
The goal isn’t just distraction. It’s erosion. Erosion of trust in traditional media. Erosion of faith in government. Erosion of any shared sense of truth.
And now, the flood is bigger, faster, more relentless than ever before​.
Firing inspectors general. Rolling back environmental protections. Pardoning January 6 rioters. Gutting diversity programs. Deporting immigrants. Freezing and unfreezing federal grants. Investigating political enemies. Stripping citizenship rights. Banning books. Demonizing the press​.
Each new move demands attention, outrage, response. But before you can react, the next wave comes crashing in.
It’s a deliberate strategy.
And it works.
This isn’t just about politics. It’s about exhaustion.
There’s a reason you feel drained. Overwhelmed. Pulled under.
Flooding the zone is psychological warfare. It’s designed to create helplessness. To make resistance feel futile. To keep people drowning in a sea of confusion and despair.
This is why conversations feel harder. Why relationships are more strained. Why the constant scrolling, the endless news alerts, the ceaseless commentary leave you feeling unmoored.
It’s a system that thrives on chaos.
So what do you do in a flood?
You climb to higher ground.
Higher ground is perspective.
It’s stepping back. Taking a breath. Refusing to be swept away in the current.
It is not disengagement. It is strategic retreat. It is choosing where to place your energy, your time, your voice.
The flood wants you to feel powerless. It wants you to believe you have to fight every battle, respond to every outrage, consume every piece of breaking news.
But you don’t.
You cannot save a drowning person by drowning yourself.
Climbing to higher ground means finding solid footing. Grounding yourself in what is true, what is real, what is worth your attention.
It means pausing before reacting. It means choosing to protect your peace so that when you do engage, you do so with clarity, strength, and purpose.
The flood thrives on confusion. But clarity is a kind of resistance.
When you step back, you can see the patterns. The distractions. The manipulations.
You can see that outrage alone is not a strategy. That exhaustion is not a badge of honor. That despair is not the only option.
And from that vantage point, you can decide where your efforts truly matter.
Climbing to higher ground is not about avoidance. It is about action from a place of wisdom. So…
Limit the noise. Step away from the doomscrolling. Unplug from the rage cycle. Choose when and how you consume news.
Ground yourself in community. Connect with people who remind you of what matters. Who lift you up instead of pulling you under.
Focus on what is within your reach. You cannot fix everything. But you can do something. Start local. Support a neighbor. Volunteer. Protect the vulnerable in your own backyard.
Speak truth, but don’t shout into the void. Not every battle is worth your breath. But some are. Choose wisely.
Rest. This is a marathon, not a sprint. You will be needed in the days, months, and years ahead. Do not let the flood steal your strength.
The goal of flooding the zone is to make you feel powerless. But you are not powerless.
You are not drowning.
There is higher ground.
And remember… you are not alone.
Peace to you.



Encouragement from Instagram

A message from Heather Cox Richardson, History Professor, Boston College: “Remember to build strong communities… and continue to bring your best to the world. Do them and do them with joy!” (click the link to watch the short video)




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